Tuesday, June 29, 2004

the golden gate from a boat Posted by Hello

a walk to remember... Posted by Hello

renuks Posted by Hello

the san fran sky line Posted by Hello

muir woods Posted by Hello

2 nieces and a nephew...  Posted by Hello

Girls... Shop your hearts out Posted by Hello

yacht Posted by Hello

A road not taken... botanical gardens Posted by Hello

sinoma from the sea Posted by Hello

The Rock Posted by Hello

Sealions at pier 41 Posted by Hello

The San francisco skyline:

Monday, June 28, 2004

I'm tired.
So very tired... .
Probably the hangover from the US trip. While its true that I didn't have any jetlag, even with the 12hr time difference, I still do miss everyone there a lot. It was a real eye opener, and it has made me question what I really want in life.

But that's a blog for another day. Maybe the reason I'm tired is because I've been going to the gym again. Or maybe its because of waking up at 230 every morning to watch the soccer games.

Or because I'm just bored.

Since I've come back 5days ago, I've watched 3 movies, 1 play, played pool, with some friends, met up with others and gone to support another friend at a chinese TV competition that I didn't even knew existed and still only have a vague understanding of the rules.

Oh well... i'm tired. So i'll leave it at that now. Will attempt to put photos on my blog next, in chronological order, starting with San Francisco.

Till then... YAWN!!!

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Bridgewater, a serene town established in the 1800s is set in the garden state of New Jersey. And this is where I am now, in the last leg of my tour. Saw Princeton, Rugters University and Bell labs today. Will be going to the BIG APPLE tomorrow.

3 more days to go.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Saw the parliament house in Ottawa and 2 of the Great Lakes( Ontario and a bit of Eerie). Its mind boggling to know that Lake Ontario is 320km long and about 80km wide at parts... and is the SMALLEST of the great lakes.

Saw the 1000 islands,(where the sauce of the same name was created) and which has the shortest international bridge in the world, at 10m, as well as some AMAZING homes on the islands, all of which are privately owned.

Saw Queens University in Kingston, as well as the Royal Military College, which reminded me so much of SAFTI, with its artillery and canons,tanks and jets. Had some amazing meals of grilled salmons and lambchops that I never will forget. And then...


Just the name evokes visions of torrents of water tumbling uncontrollably over the precipice, to pound the rocks more than a hundred metres below. The iron will of some primal spirit that will not stop for any man. It is a place that awes as well as inspires, humbles yet uplifts. It is just as well that somethings cannot be conquered by man, and that the majesty and power of nature can still be so peacefully seen. To remind man that he is not as all powerful as he thinks.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

So now, I'm in toronto.

After spending the day at Universal Studios Orlando, and the night alone in a hotel at Orlando, and a 2hr 45min flight, I arrived on the last leg of the Canadian part of my " Tour de Grande".

Nice easy flight (met some people there, the Angles and Maurizio all 5 of whom are from Calgary and had gone down to Tampa to watch the game...which Calgary heartbrakingly lost 2-1)and the temperature here is 30deg C, with very low humidity. It feels good to come back here. The US is a very rushed place, and I enjoy the laid back atmosphere and the wide open spaces here tremendously.

My only problem now is... I'm feeling VERY fat and restless. Really want AND NEED to excercise!

Monday, June 07, 2004

Went to Kennedy Space Center today... i saw 1 armadilo, 1 bald eagle, 3 alligators, a few dolphins and tons of ospreys,herons, turtles and squirrels.

Also saw the Saturn V rocket that was used for the apollo missions, models of the lunar lander, movies of neil armstrong's historic landing and the creation of the international space station in 3D on IMAX. Learnt how launches are carried out, and of the perils and joys of space exploration and how space exploration impacts our everyday life with things like computers.

And through it all, I couldn't help but recall Jan 28 1986, and the Space Shuttle Challenger, when the lives of 7 people were extinguished in a giant,dazzling fireball.

When, in the words of the late American President, Ronald Reagan, "they waved goodbye and slipped the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of God."

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Cooked sheikh kebabs and Tandoori Chickens for our cousin's party. Then went to the driving range and hit the golf balls... all of 5 yards, that is when I actually connected with them. Am tired. Must sleep.

Universal Studios tomorrow.... YAWN!!!

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Drove 3hrs to South Beach, Miami today...one of THE places in the US, on par with the likes of Beverly Hills and Malibu. Man the place is hot! For a country that has 60% obesity rates, 30% of the slim ones must be living here( The remaining 10% being infants)!

Saw Versace's house, 10+ 18ft limos, 1 Rolls, 1 Ferrari, 1 Lamboghni and tons of babes and hunks with slim waists and chisseled abs here, the birthplace of SOBE.

Wonder what tomorrow will bring...

Friday, June 04, 2004

So away from the t-rex's and triceratops, the hockey mad city with its dancing fans and hooting cars. Away from the snow-capped peaks and emerald lakes, from sleet and hail and ice. Away from sweet smiling children throwing rocks into bubbling waters. I have arrived...

In Melbourne.

Melbourne Florida...as opposed to Melbourne Australia. With its temperature of 36 degrees C, and lush green jungles...the closest to singapore that I have come in my trip here. My third stop in my month long odyssey.

And only 18 days are left...

Wednesday, June 02, 2004


The city has gone mad. Stark, raving mad with Stanley Cup fever. Everywhere you go, you see cars, houses, people and even construction equipment either carrying a FLames Flag, or a Flames puck, or decked out in the Flames colours, or carying a sign saying... "Go FLAMES Go" .The Flames being referred to here are the Calgary Flames, the local Ice Hockey Franchise. They didn't have any star players....and no one expected them to go to the finals. Yet, with their grit and teamwork, thats where they are now, facing the Tampa Bay Lightnings.

A true "Mighty Duck".

Spent Monday afternoon at the Heritage Park. That place is a museum like place where Canada's history comes alive.Everyone dresses up in turn of the century clothes and does things like it was done then. Even the amusement park rides were those from that time!! Spent Monday night at my father's friend's place here. We watched the hockey game (which Calgary lost 1-0, tying theseries up at 2-2), had dinner part 2 (part 1 was thai and at my cousin's place) and stayed up chatting till 130am, telling jokes and funny stories and complaining a bit about the education system in Singapore.

The next day, I was picked up by my cousins at 1050am. We went to elbow falls and some other obscure sightseeing places. Also played with my nieces and nephews at the river, and singing the way back home. Those kids are SOOOOOO FUNNY and charming. They just kept me in stitches. I learnt a lot of interesting things from them. For example:

1) There is a type of one-horned meat eating dinosaur called Rhinocerous
2) The bones of dinosaurs, ground up and eaten can cure diseases... even AIDS

Had dinner at home. My cousins had been learning bengali cooking from my cousin-in-law, and they were trying it out. And they did a great job. The incessant banter at the dining table was especially nice!

I only have 2 more days left here... sigh! I wanna stay back!!!!!! Don't wanna go home!!!!!!!!