Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Saw the parliament house in Ottawa and 2 of the Great Lakes( Ontario and a bit of Eerie). Its mind boggling to know that Lake Ontario is 320km long and about 80km wide at parts... and is the SMALLEST of the great lakes.

Saw the 1000 islands,(where the sauce of the same name was created) and which has the shortest international bridge in the world, at 10m, as well as some AMAZING homes on the islands, all of which are privately owned.

Saw Queens University in Kingston, as well as the Royal Military College, which reminded me so much of SAFTI, with its artillery and canons,tanks and jets. Had some amazing meals of grilled salmons and lambchops that I never will forget. And then...


Just the name evokes visions of torrents of water tumbling uncontrollably over the precipice, to pound the rocks more than a hundred metres below. The iron will of some primal spirit that will not stop for any man. It is a place that awes as well as inspires, humbles yet uplifts. It is just as well that somethings cannot be conquered by man, and that the majesty and power of nature can still be so peacefully seen. To remind man that he is not as all powerful as he thinks.


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