Monday, May 24, 2004

Woohoo!!! I am in SAN FRANCISCO!!!

San Francisco: 14-18 degrees Celcius. Sunny and Windy.
Humidity: Low

After a marathon flight, some17hrs, excluding transit time, I have arrived! Now at my cousins house planning where I'll go tomorrow. Possibly will be visiting Alcatraz, and some other local places... Can't WAIT!

But the journey! Oof! What a headache! I mean, it was 7+ hrs from Sing to Tokyo. Luckily, the plane wasn't too full, and having been given an aisle seat, I could move around at least The food that was given for breakfast was a choice between herb omelette and chicken rice. I chose the latter, to my regret. Give me a hawker stall anyday! Not even chilli was given! And just before landing, they gave ham and cheese sandwiches to everyone. This was infinitely better.

Tokyo Airport is an experience. First, everything is in Japanese... even the instructions on how to use the phone. And not everything has english translation. Second, the cute stewardesses and attendents. And finally, the digital cameras there are everywhere! I went out looking for some strepsils for my sore throat, and most everyshop I went to was selling digital cameras. The bookstores had it, the CD store had it, even a store selling sweets and disposable lingerie sold digicams (what a combi! what are you supposed to do, take a photo using the camera after wearing the lingerie with a lollipop in your mouth?!)... but there were NO DAMN STREPSILS!

The flight from there to San Francisico was about 10hrs long. We boarded the flight after a 2hr transit. This flight was PACKED! I think the American GIs stationed in Japan were going home. And they filled up the plane. I got a center seat, and I spent a total of 10 mins during the entire 10hr journey standing... the rest of the time was spent fidgeting and TRYING to sleep, filling up forms, reading, watch the inflight movies and eating. Never knew just sitting down could be soo tiring!

Watched "Love Actually" and "Along Came Polly". Both were funny, though I enjoyed the dry British humour of "Love Actually" more.

Flying off to Calgary on Friday. Between now and then, will keep you posted if I can.


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