Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Of old friends...

Saw wen the ice-cream seller a few days ago, then was wen the singapore idol-cum -informative guide on all things g-related... Today, she was wen the perfume seller... This girl has an amazing array of talents... Looking all prim and proper with plenty of make-up on and trying to entice ladies (and some guys) to buy a bottle of perfume that smells pretty good but, at $76, is just a tad bit expensive...

Also met up with Kahong today. Mr Yip was looking fine! He hasn't changed a bit! My partner in the gym in the good 'ol NJ days. Can still remember the times when he made me laugh as I was doing that I got pinned under the bar! Ouch! And the times we spent crapping away and pulling the legs of some of the girls in H&F. Ha! Or the time he put colgate all over my face during H&F camp!

Well, sitting at marche and talking to him and his mom, it struck me how little he changed. Still surrounds his sensitivity with a shell of bluster,crappiness and self-depreciation. We discussed things from food, excercise, anime and the girls( or lack of) in our lives. Mostly, we talked of love...what makes an ideal girlfriend to us, (does such a creature even exist?)....of failed love and of blossoming romances.

And it brought back the times he helped me when I was down: when my grades weren't what they were supposed to be, or listening to me rattle out my problems... helping me to my first pull-up.( might not seem important, but to a fat guy who thought he'd never be able to do it, it was akin to a miracle) He always did give good advice and looked at problems from a different angle... and he could always make me smile no matter how down I was.

The guy who lost 30kg in a month... and who won a karate competition despite carrying a cracked spine and well as a broken nose, into the finals. The guy who studied 7 days straight without sleep.

And this is the guy who I claimed to wen is my "spy" in Mel Uni... the one who supposedly told me she had a boyfriend before she did... :) (he didn't).

He's studying medicine at melbourne...knows wen, maybe eepin as well(though he isn't sure if its the same eepin). He's going to be a doctor... and knowing him, he's gonna be a damn good one... . All the best my friend...


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