Sunday, May 16, 2004

Been a nice few days recently...interesting days.

For one, I FINALLY passed my driving on the third attempt. It was a close thing... 18pts, when 20 means you've failed. But hey... passed is passed... Right!!! :)

Also met up with dev. He's back till august. And he hasn't changed a bit! Still funny, not to mention tall and good-looking. Listening to his antics in the States! We spent the afternoon, walking around in orchard, looking at girls... .

Went pubbing with some of my JC classmates last night. Shiyu, WX, Shiqi, Grace, Hoe soon and I, met at esplanade. And went to Harry's bar. It was fun, just sitting around, talking and drinking a bit. Taking photos of ourselves, with different themes... like the friendship theme...the gay and lez theme... The people there must have been wondering what the hell we were doing! Sadly, it all ended a tad to soon, as the girls needed to leave by 1015... Hoe soon couldn't stay bcos of work the next day, and WX had to go meet his gf. Leaving shiy yu and I... and 2 guys going clubbing together...its to small a group... . So we postponed it to the end of this week.

Watched troy today. And I was bored throughout the movie. Don't get me wrong...I mean... it is exceptionally done. The acting was great... the sets were stunning, and the people were great looking. However, having read a condensed version of the book, and having seen the older movie, I was bored. There were also some problems with this movie. First, in this movie, Hector is the elder son, when it is supposed to be Paris. Hector also has a strong aussie twang when he speaks...which is mercifully rare. And the last dialogue between Paris and Helen is just to cheezy! I mean... if Paris really didn't mind meeting Helen in the next life...why couldn't he just bloody wait? Why did he have to destroy his city? This however, is still the most accurate adaptation yet. And the attempt to humanize achillies was noteworthy, although his love for the slave girl was exagerated, but that can be excused (I mean, how can brad pitt not have a girl)? And Hector wasn't really such a nice guy... nor was he so brave in the actual novels. Wanna know more? Read it... :p

But what was really nice about the movie was that I watched it with my parents. I haven't been spending nearly as much time with them as they want... and I really should be spending more time with them. And its quite fun to have a semi-family outing. Maybe the last one in a while...

8days and counting...


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