Sunday, May 30, 2004

Its 840pm here...and the sun is still out. In fact, it'll be out for another 2 more hours!

Just came back from the mountains. STUNNING place. Absolutely Stunning. Went 1st from my cousins home to the columbine ice-fields. Its this gigantic glacier on the side of a mountain... 1000ft of ice, 7000ft above sea level. And I drank the water from the melt-off there.Cool,clear and refreshing. My nephew even had a one sided snowball fight( one sided meaning, he threw, but everyone else just took photos ,ignoring him... ).

The roads itself were an experience. The road side scenery was spectacular. I couldn't stop shuttering away! We saw elk and big horn sheep and I even saw a grizzly bear (from the rear...and thats one big ass!).

I saw a lake that had a sheet of ice on the top, and a crystal clear lake that was soo green that it defied description.Aptly, it was called the emerald lake. Canada, in fact, is famous for its lakes, which have colours ranging from emerald green to sapphire blue. It is also a wonder of rock formations. Lake Louise that we went to next was another picture perfect lake with a tremendous view.

Then went to Banff, where I had a great view of the surrounding country side. We used a gondola to go on top of a mountain, and the view was amazing! I had a 360 degree view of all the mountains! We had restaurant situated on the top too. We also visited some caves and saw(and smelt) some hot sulphur springs. Didn't have time to try it though... .

And to top it all off, we had the full spectrum of weather... a bit of sun, and a lot of snow,sleet,hail,ice and rain.

And the people are soo nice! They are friendly and nice, smiling and greeting even complete strangers! Not to mention the girls are kinda cute too... ;) .

I've only just left the place, yet I miss it already...


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