Reading wen's blog made me start to think about love. Whats is it? How do we define it?
Scrap that.
Love is not defined by "we". Love is defined by "me" That is the only way it can have any meaning. To me it is not the soppy self-sacrificing romance novel type affair, and it DEFINATELY is not sex...(one is an action, the other an emotion, and I feel it is almost sacriligieous to equate the two). Love is a complex, living entity, multi faceted, with countless avatars. It shifts and swirls, and much like water in a glass, it takes the form of its receptacle. And trying to make it stick to one definition is an excercise in futility. But thats my definiton.
Love and its brother,hate, are more than mere words. They are words of almost mystical qualities. If said often enough, they can convert one to believing that the sentiment is true. In other words, where other words such as "like and dislike " can be used, use them. Leave "love and hate" as last resorts. When used sparingly, these words are so much more potent.
I've never met the person I will fallin love with. Yet, I know she exists. I've seen her before, and I'll know her when I see her again. To me, love between two people, in that sense, is a completion. The union of two imperfect souls, the end result of which is the creation of something that is as perfect as can be mortally conceived. A harmony of spirit and mind, a fusing of souls.
But again, this is just my definition. You need to come up with your own for you to know what it is you mean when you say " I love you". More importantly... the person you are saying it to will know it as well.
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