Saturday, June 04, 2005

had everything planned on what I wanted to write for the blog... only my compie wouldn't cooperate with me, and my internet is more down than up, so I couldn't really post anything for a while. Honestly, yesterday as ide, nothing much of note really happened to me so I guess its not too much of a loss.I've benn "working" the past week. Rather, I've been going to office the past week and LOOKING for things for me to do. I'm working at this shipyard down at Pandan, which I got to know about thanks to a friend (Thanks Ming Zhi!). Its pretty small for a shipyard, and is filled woth the hustle and bustle that normally accomapnies a place that builds big stuff, eventhough this place really only builds small ships. The hours are long, from 8-6, and quite tedious. I wrote more details in another word document which I will soon put up.

Well, as soon as I can anyway.

So I'll talk about last night instead. Went out to meet Grace, Derrick, Shiyu at lau pa sat for dinner. I arrived late, at 7, while the rest arrived at 545. Had a dinner of fried rice, oyster omelette and ice kachang. We then went to the coffee club next to Raffles place MRT for some desert and drinks. I had the Irish Coffee, and for once, a restaurant here did not stinge on the alcohol. The drink was more than decent, while the desert( some mud-pie...they seemed to be out of everything else) was only so-so, but the company was great, and I had a pretty good time. Left at 920, Derrick and Grace each went home, Shiyu went to Far East while I went to the Alley Bar to meet up with Jonathan, Willy, Aidi and Wanda.

It was good to see Jon again, haven't seen him since after exams and I missed the guy. Suaning him is one of my favourite pasttimes. :P Had one Hoegardeen, (my fav. beer to date) and a Snowball, which was pretty good too. We all left at around 1130, at which point I went back home.

There's something about being with good friends and laughing and smiling that takes all the stress of a working day away. Once again, I was reminded about how blessed I truly am. And it truly made me glad.

Got a mesage from Jas from Indonesia. She's all right there so far. Hope to call her tonight and talk to her a bit. Its been quite a while since I last did.

Hope next week will be better at work than this week was!


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